Jan 2, 2016

Repotting 4 white lead trees (No.7)

Tree species : White Lead Tree (Leucaena Leucocephala / Su-babul)
Collected on : Oct 12, 2015

I simply pulled up these wild saplings from the roadside and managed to get the tap root, which, along with the stem, was pruned and planted into pure cocopeat.


After the few original leaves dried up, i reduced the stem height to half of what is seen in the image on right, wanting a shorter plant. So, no branches or leaves at this stage. I estimate these saplings to be 2-3 months old, based on the growth of my own seedling of the same tree. They grow super fast !

Jan 1, 2016 - Fresh growth of leaves & roots 2 ½ months later.


The height of the main root is way more than what I need. I might cut this into 2 parts at a later date, when the root density near the soil surface is as heavy as the bottom. A broken tile piece was placed below the root to encourage a side spread. These are my future surface roots (nebari), after I cut off the top.

I am experimenting with a double layer of moist cow manure this time instead of mixing the whole thing.

Dry cow manure is made wet and broken into small pieces with a stick. This is then added as a thin layer in the pot and topped up with my soil mixture to help its breakdown & absorption.

The same process was repeated for 3 other similar sized plants of this species. All of them were & are still kept in shade, since they were collected.

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