Jan 17, 2016

Pests - Mealybug

Pest Species : Mealybug  (Link 2, Link 3)
Its Usual Target In My Collection : Almost anything, but ficus & white lead tree to a lesser extent.

Control the eggs to win this battle & check infestation below pot rim & base.

I kill them with a needle / foreceps, one by one.

The source of my massive infestation was a colony of mealybug eggs under every pot rim and some on the plants too. I just didn't know what it was at the time or the trouble they would cause.

After a week of killing these bugs, only to see more of them next week, almost made me quit the bonsai hobby. I wanted to grow trees and not fight pests ! But after declaring war on the eggs, the situation improved drastically. Still I inspect plants every week at least once to check for mealybugs and do find a few of them & their cotton like white eggs.

Just like crime, these pests can only be controlled and not eliminated completely. The adult fly lands on your plants and lays eggs in some discrete corner or under the rough bark or holes on trunk, or foliage. So, these areas need to be checked weekly once.

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