Jul 13, 2016

Cuttings Of Cluster Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water - Part 1

Tree species : Cluster Fig Tree (Ficus Racemosa, Indian Fig Tree, Goolar Fig)
Cuttings taken on : June 9, 2016

I recently spotted a cluster fig tree sapling, growing on the roadside pavement and decided to prune it first and collect it a month or 2 later. I reduced its height from almost 3 feet to half a feet and got some cuttings in the process.

Cuttings Of Cluster Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa

This is how the sapling looks now, almost a month later. Dense new leaves & branches are covering up the thick, beautiful, green trunk underneath. I plan to prune it once more and then collect it a month later. Trust me, the hidden trunk already looks like a miniature tree. This kind of aggressive growth isn't not possible in a pot on my balcony, with limited sunlight. So, ground growing is better. 

July 6, 2016

I had plans to collect this sapling a year back but someone had beaten me to it, probably plucked & thrown away, as it was growing in the wrong place, too close to the apartment building. But then it grew back, seemingly more stronger and no one had touched it ! I guess the plant was destined for my care :-)

Water Rooting - June 16

 Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-08


June 26
Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-02
The thickest cutting is almost sprouting roots. Water is changed everyday, else woody trunks like these starts smelling bad and soon rot.

July 7
Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-06

 Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-09

Mini Bonsai From Cuttings Of Cluster Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa 2

Stones are for support only. Medium is coarse sand + pebbles.

UPDATE - July 14

Cutting no. 8

Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-03

Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-04

Cutting no. 10

Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-05
Algae growth has started on the roots & trunk. I clean them with forceps, while in water.

Cutting no. 2

Setup to keep cutting upright & centered, so that root growth is more uniform.

Root Pruning Cluster Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa 3

The new roots are pruned a few times to encourage side branching and soon have a dense structure. I cut them just before they touch the edge of the container.

Cutting no. 11
Cuttings of Fig Tree / Ficus Racemosa Growing Roots In Water-07

Cutting no.7

Cutting no. 11 is a mystery, don't know how I got it. Probably, I  picked up a discarded piece just to experiment, not expecting it to root but it did.

Cutting no.4


  1. hi vinny I'm your great fan.i want to begin with mango neem banyan peepal amaltas(golden shower),gulmohar tree tell me how to begin with cuttings i want to pot them directly in colander and i dont want coco peat.tell me about the soil preparation ,fertilizers and all.i want it inst because im very busy.hope you will help me.

  2. Hi Pritam, nice to know that. The fastest way to get started is to take air layered cuttings (http://instantbonsaiforeveryone.blogspot.in/2016/01/air-layering-technique.html), after selecting the desired branch thickness. In a month's time you should get enough roots to cut off the branch and pot it. I would avoid making the bark wound air tight. My soil mix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7RzRgBfdkI. Keep in mind that to get a nice branch structure, it will take months or a few years. What you get 'instantly' is a rooted trunk of your future bonsai, thus saving you a few years of growth time. If you live in a cold country or the colder parts of India, expect growth time to be slower than central or southern India.

    1. Coco coir in a plastic shoe box. Where did you get your cutting?

  3. Please tell, where you put first cutting. In a shade or full sun?

  4. I was scarred... Cutting on a helththy plant scared the crap outta me... but I just wanted you to know.... "IT REALLY WORKS" I have just started 3 ficus, from a 10 year old ginseng ficus (that was suppose to be a bonsai, but has grown to about 5 feet tall LOLOLOL)
    I'm hoping I'm successful.... if I am I will it on try my roses
    "Thank You"
    "Thank You"
    "Thank You"

    1. Glad to know that. I have roses do the same too, on youtube. You might like this - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiDU6YjzHzNdz5i1lw5RPLF8qpNVLzmHZ
